Monday, January 28, 2008

Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall

Today we took Madison to school and went into the office to see some of our favorite ladies. And Xander, in his all too unique fashion captivated them with a stimulating analysis of the classic Mother Goose Rhyme Humpty Dumpty. He asked such stirring questions as, "Why was Humpty sitting on that wall in the first place?" and how did he manage to fall off? "Maybe he just sat back to relax and fell off the back," he decided. And "what were the king's horses doing there?" He had these ladies, who were trying to run the office of a school with a thousand kids cornered and pondering such important questions as these. What a kid!

Now, another thing I need to celebrate: The Bread Store! I will admit to you that I make my kids eat whole wheat bread. And not the fake kind that has less than one gram of dietary fiber either. I am talking a minimum of 3 grams of dietary fiber a slice. Now, often this is associated with saw dust or particle board, but I have found this yummiest Country 100% Whole Wheat Bread made by Oroweat that is simply delightful. It is so soft and yummy you would swear you are eating white bread! (Well, almost!) Here is my dilemma. We make sandwiches for lunch almost everyday. And of course you gotta have toast once in a while. So at $3.59 a loaf that is killing my food budget! Well, my friend Jennifer was headed for the bread store the other day, which I knew existed but had never taken the time to visit, and she checked it out to see if they had our bread. Can you believe they did? And they sell it 4 loaves for $5!! 4 loaves for $5? Are you kidding me? I went and bought all they had today and put it in my freezer! I got 5 loaves for less than what I pay for 2. And the kicker, I got a free loaf on top of it all because I bought more than 4 items. I think I love the Bread Store!!

And one last thing: The passing of our prophet, Gordon Bitner Hinkley. This is an amazing man. I have had the privelege of being in the same room with him a handful of times in the last several years. I will tell you that he absolutely is a prophet of God. He has changed many lives. He has set an amazing example of love and acceptance and living life with true joy! I celebrate him today! I celebrate all he has done to bring many temples all over the world. I celebrate that he has done so much for bringing a positive and upbeat light on many things as the "mormons" contiue to be viewed as a peculiar people. I celebrate that today, he is holding hands again with his sweetheart and best friend Marjorie! I will miss hearing his words, but I know he is one even happier and more joyful man today!

1 comment:

Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

What the.....I get to leave a comment? Oh, the JOY! Where is the bread store? Do tell me? You bought 'em out? I gotta get me some of that!

Don't forget to post that recipe!