Monday, March 10, 2008

Zilker Park, Austin, Texas

On Saturday we decided to take our friend Larry, visiting from Oregon, to one of the coolest places in Austin...Zilker Park. This place is acres and acres of beauty and all kinds of fun. Here you can see Benson diving into the Barton Springs Pool (water is 68* year round). The guys wanted to ride the long boards around the park and hit the pool. Xander and the girls wanted to throw rocks in the river and frolic on the massive play scape. They also have a very cool little train called the Zilker Zephyr. We didn't ride it this time, since we did last time we were there just a couple of weeks ago.

Xander and Madison loved throwing rocks in the water.

Xander begged me to let him swim in his underwear. And his argument was strong enough to convince me to let him do it.

Natalie slipped on the algae covered rocks and got a wet bum.

Even Xander bombed the hills at the park.

It was an amazing day, cloudless and temp in the high 60's. We had a blast and we vowed to find ourselves there more often.


Capturing Joy with Kristen Duke said...

flog me, but i've never been to Zilker in the daytime! I plan to go this week and do the train with my kids! Never even been to the springs...can you believe that? in 5 years! Thanks for the fun picts.

Taste of Champaign said...

we loved that place! wish we could be there to play with you all!

Toria said...

What the....I didn't know you were a blogger? I am just getting mine are you doing? We miss you guys a ton!!! Matthew really wants a playdate with Xander...let me know when we can set that up!!!