Thursday, April 19, 2007

Take me out to the ball game...

The kids make friends everywhere they go! Here are the girls with sisters of other ball players(the two at the far left are mine) and Xander was taking a break from his play mates to have a sip of his shake. They are good to go and "support". When it warms up around here they may not be as anxious to come. For now we are grateful for the family time.


Spiralmoon Studio said...

Dang! Xander is the spitting image of his papa!

And, Natalie and I have almost identical frames for our glasses. Just goes to show that good taste runs in the family... right, Mom?


Margo Clift said...

What a good place to make friends.
Remember all of the days of "Leslie Little League?" and running from game to game.
Or Daddy being at one field while I was at another, so no one felt left out or less important.
Of coarse at one given time when you were in softball, Josh in baseball and all three little girls in pee-wee league it was a real scramble.
Many a bag was packed with snacks, drinks, change of clothes and umbrellas.
That was before Jeni was old enough to participate, but attended a million events in the name of family togetherness.
What a great time that was!
When all of that stopped so suddenly, it literally "burst my heart".
Took a long while to recover. Sorry
But we did, and there were new memories to be made. And we did.
Enjoy all of your moments.
I love you all

Grandpa Clift said...

Those grand daughters of mine are something else. They are getting quite beautiful and looks like they are enjoying life. You two better get ready cause we are coming in just a few weeks you know. We can't hardly wait to see you both.
Love Ya

Andrea said...

girls way to suport your brother what better way to have family time.

Lisa Clift said...

Bob, what a cutie you are!! I miss you and your brother and sister's. Be good.