Wednesday, May 9, 2007

The Cat in the Hat

Xander's latest character of choice is The Cat in the Hat. So Sunday for church he borrowed his dad's bow tie. Notice the straps that are meant to go around the neck had to be hanging down so it was just like the cat. This kid is something else. We would be hard pressed to find someone cuter! The sisters love him so!


Lisa Clift said...

Oh MY!! That is one hilarious kid. That little brain of his is always working isn't it. He and his sister's look darling.

Margo Clift said...

What a stinkin cute boy. And quite an imagination. I have to say that was pretty ingenious of him, with the tie.
Looks like the sisters do have fun with him. How super!

Tara : Damon : Ellis : Hudson said...

haha! i put one of these as my desktop background. i still can't get over him balancing on one foot with something on this head and a belt hanging out of his pants telling david all about the cat in the hat. he's the funniest boy i've ever known! wow... and so creative with his costuming!