Saturday, May 5, 2007

Natalie does well.

Natalie's Volleyball team had a good game today they won 2 matches today. She did a great job hustling and playing. Way to go Nat..


Margo Clift said...

NATALIE, yay yay yay. So glad that you are having a good time and great success.
Wish we could be there to watch and cheer you on.
But we are cheering from here.................LISTEN, can you hear us?
Love Grand ma

Lisa Clift said...

Way to go Yayee. You know Aunt Lisa played volleyball in Junior High and loved it. I even lettered in it, of course it was a small school but I still played pretty good and it was a sport I enjoyed. I tried softball when I was older but your Mom always said that I threw like a girl so I guess it wasn't my sport. Keep up the good work! I am very proud of you.

Eric Devericks said...

I sure hope my kids have as much athletic ablity the as the Hinze kids do!